Logitech + Loupedeck = Awesome 💗
Exciting announcement: Loupedeck is now part of the Logitech family, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! By combining our expertise, resources, and passion for innovation, we’re set to create a future where creativity knows no boundaries. Stay tuned as we embark on this exciting journey together!
Loupedeck AI Assistant が生産性を高める
OpenAIのテクノロジーを利用したLoupedeck AI assistantが、コンテンツ制作プロセスをどのように変革するか体験してみましょう。アイディア出しから編集作業、ソーシャルメディアの管理といった作業を、これまでになく簡単に効率化することができます。
Loupedeck Software update unveils a new UI, Phillips Hue plugin, and much more
New Loupedeck Software version 4.3 introduces preview into our new UI, simplified profile for easy streaming, as well as native integration to Philips Hue and added language support in German, French, Korean, and Japanese.
Moody on Instagram: Meet Thomas Kakareko
Thomas Kakareko (@thomas_k) is one of the most successful German photographers on Instagram. In conversation with Loupedeck, he talks about his journey and his work with Loupedeck CT.
Creating stunning food photography with we eat together
Skyler Burt is the voice behind We Eat Together, a website and YouTube channel where he aims to help inspire his more than 220,000 subscribers to deepen their passion for food photography and improve their skills along the way.
The Suited Racer: Closer to the vision
With demand for his artworks strong, Griffin’s star is rising …. fast. Here, he reveals his working methods, his approach to photography and the passions that drive him to succeed.
Creating Order from Chaos
Jessica Zollman (aka ‘Jayzombie’) was employee #5 at instagram and is now a successful L.A.-based photographer and influencer. With vibrant colors and geometric precision at the heart of her work, here Zollman takes us on a revealing journey through her life, art and career.
Florian Ledoux on Saving The Arctic With an Aerial Perspective
As a self-taught photographer, Florian Ledoux’s passion for preserving nature and for dynamic drone-based aerial imagery has thrust him into an extraordinary career abounding with arctic expeditions and involvement with conservation groups, where together they work to bring awareness to the urgency